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Issues Arising

From domestic violence cases to trafficking, women have been society’s victims for too long. Not any more, as it is time to reclaim our story. Read about the latest issues arising as we take a stand against patriachy.

Issues Arising

From domestic violence cases to trafficking, women have been society's victims for too long. Not any more, as it is time to reclaim our story. Read about the latest issues arising as we take a stand against patriachy.

abortion pill reversal

Inside Nigeria’s Abortion Realities: Christian-Based Organization Offering Unapproved Abortion Pill Reversal Service To Nigerians

Read part 1 here Heartbeat International is a network of pro-life pregnancy resource centres. Founded in the US in 1971, they are operational in over 60 countries with over 2800 affiliated pregnancy help locations including pregnancy help medical clinics, maternity homes, and adoption agencies. With a vision to ‘make abortion unwanted today and unthinkable…

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